Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Khamtung Zongam ah American Sangmangte ii vaihawmna taw Mission kum nga sung bang a kisep zawk 1904 (April) in, Kayin mi Thra Shwe Zan sia Pathian thuson tu le sangsya seam tu in Sizaang kual Khuasak khua hong theng hi. Thra Shwe Zan in sangsya a sep kawmin hanciam a, Pathian thuson taw zong thua hi. Ama ii nasepna te Pathian in thupha pia a, hai ngawlin Khuasak khua pan Tapidaw suak thu um mi om hi ci thu Thra Shwe Zan in Dr. East te nupa laithak hi. (1) Dr. East te nupa ii nga, Thra Shwe Zan ii Khuasak khua pan 25 July 1904 ni in a at laithak sia a nuai a bang ahi hi.
July 25,1904
Khuasak Village
Your letter came to me and tell about the school which you spoke with Mr. Fowler. We little three here (meaning his family) were very glad. The time when we arrived here in Koset (Khuasak) till this time, we try as well as we can for preaching, so that one man name Paung Shwin (Pau Suan), he is among three chiefs which you had been seeing, he believes Jesus can save him from his sin into life. He gave up the bad things and come to us for worship God together every time with his wife and mother. He’s very earnest in preach to other. Some men spoke to him and made afraid, but he do not care what was the people said to him. As he knew more about Christ he preach more and more to other people. The time when you come to Khuasak he will (be) Baptist at once. As well as my master can come soon.
Now we little here glad every time to preach. We hope our master and mama and Thra San Win and his wife will glad with us in prayer. I can not write English well, if I can write you will glad more than this.
One man name’s Tum Hram (Thuam Hang); he is a chief among the three chiefs. Now he begin to believe Jesus. This night he come up to me for praying God. Dear master, please remember for Tum Harm (Thuam Hang) in your prayer. O my dear master if you arrive here this time, how you will be glad for Christ.
As to school, the people begin to build the school now. They got some post to the school place, in a few days I think school will finish… Sometime I wrote about to stop school until the school house finish, and you tell I must stop but I think my heart it is better to learn every day so that I have school in my house…
Remember Paung Shwin (Pau Suan) and his household in your prayer. As well as I can I try in write English. Please know what I mean as well as you can.
Hi a tung a Thra Shwe Zan ii Dr. East a thak lai sia tungtawn in Pu Pau Suan le a zi Pi Kham Ciang, Pu Thuam Hang le a zi Pi Dim Khua Cing te sia Khamtung Zongam ah Tapidaw a suak masa belte na hi uh hi
Your Obedient Servant
Shwe Zan (2)
(1) Ibid., P. 97-98
(2) Robert G.Johnson, History of the American Baptist Chins Mission Vol. 1 . Pp. 98-99


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